Going Live

Once you have done the integration based on your use cases and have tested on the staging environment, you are ready to go live.

In case you have done the integration as a Property app (apps that are developed by the property developers), there is no review process. As this is only affecting your property and you need to make sure it is working the way you want. If you have created a Marketplace app (apps that are used by multiple properties) then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Marketplace listing assets ready and submit to support@goki.travel.

  2. Contact support@goki.travel to organise a review meeting. This is normally a 30-45 minutes online session, we will review different scenarios to make sure the integration is working and create documentation for our clients.

  3. Our team and you need to work on the announcement and marketing materials before going live. Per our guideline, we also hold a 45 minutes live webinar after launch with your clients to introduce the partnership and answer the questions. For further information, please contact jack@goki.travel.

Last updated